Trogir's city museum

Trogir's city museum

This towns ‘pearl’ is located in the palace Garagnin – Fanfogna, with characteristics of Romanesque and Baroque styles. The museum’s collections show the political, cultural and artistic development of the town from its foundation till the 20th century. Aside from the famous library of the family Garagnin – Fanfogna, the museum also holds the stone collection of monuments and sculptures from ancient times to Baroque and the Cata Dujšin – Ribar gallery with paintings of Croatian artists. Three works of art, made by the famous sculptor Ivan Duknović are held in the town museum of Trogir. One of these works is the statue of an arm carrier of Čipiko.

Ivan Duknović was born in Orihovica near Vinišće in 1440. Being the son of a craftsman from the rocky grounds of Trogir he learned the craft in his hometown and his talent was recognized in Italy and Hungary. His talent and individuality are best seen in his works which are admired by many respectable people – from cardinals in Rome to King Matija Korvin in Budim.